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broken heart.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: broken heart.

Im here sad n lonely with a broken heart.
Im looking for some man to heal my heart.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hello....dont be lonely and please dont be are a very beautiful looking woman and if someone broke your heart then it will
mend....just remember HE is the loser....and maybe even now is regretting what he did...
You must move on.....go out with your friends SMILE be happy...dont let the sadness show....because sadness will show on your face .....put a SMILE on HE wll get to hear about it.... and you will attract ..get your dancing shoes out....pick yourself up and start all over again and next time it wil be the right Man..and the right one will never make you sad......OK
Take Care and BE HAPPY....
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

1whitekitten wrote: Hello....dont be lonely and please dont be are a very beautiful looking woman and if someone broke your heart then it will
mend....just remember HE is the loser....and maybe even now is regretting what he did...
You must move on.....go out with your friends SMILE be happy...dont let the sadness show....because sadness will show on your face .....put a SMILE on HE wll get to hear about it.... and you will attract ..get your dancing shoes out....pick yourself up and start all over again and next time it wil be the right Man..and the right one will never make you sad......OK
Take Care and BE HAPPY....

Whitekitten you seem to be able to read others minds. You don't know this couple and you assume he is the loser.And you think maybe he's regretting this breakup. How do you know this gal didn't pull some sh!t to drive him off?? I swear you gals would support an ax murderer as long as she was female.LOL It takes 2 to tango. I'd like to hear the other side of this. But we know we won't. Men arn't responcible to fix your broken heart. YOU ARE. And if you think that giving a man S-- to hook him is gonna catch him your wrong. Keep that dime between your knees and date for a long enough period to find out if your gonna work out. Men arn't stupid. We know all the ways a women uses to catch a man. Single life can be tough. So can married life. Every time you stick your neck out to get involved you risk getting hurt. After a while you will learn not to take ANY of them to seriously. Enjoy thr ride:) Its to short as it is. LOL
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Okay. I'm going to say what most people don't want to hear, and I'll probably get flamed for it.

If you truly want to be healed of your emotional pain, the best and fastest way is to FORGIVE THE PERSON WHO HURT YOU. Your grief and your blaming someone else will hurt no one but yourself. Now, I didn't say forget...remember what happened to you so that you can avoid it the next time. Forgiveness will let your spirit be cleansed so that you can move on with your life and actually live it, instead of being stuck in the past- which will rob you of your future. We all have to learn lessons of some sort, then move on. Being "stuck in a loop" of grief, blame and fear helps no one. Just my 2 cents'.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: wow, lots of judging...

I see a lot of judging, and 1 bitter man. LOL.
I too, currently have a broken heart. I just got dumped, after 8 years of relationship. I don't desire him to be miserable, people do what they feel they have to do.
Still, my heart hurts, and it will take time to move on. When a person tells you that they have a broken heart...Don't tell them what happened, because you don't know what happened. Just tell them you'll listen.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Sorry for the broken hearts.

In time, I hope you will find a healthy way to heal and move on.

Jazzy Jane
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. ~~Anais Nin~~
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August 12, 2007
Posts: 12

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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i been broke up with my ex girl friend for 8 weeks now and hurts just a bit as i nether got to say what i would have like to for long time she was so over the top wanting know were i was all the time and if i was with friends she would say i was with a over girl but i did not lie are cheat on her in any way i felt so alone but haveing love for some one keeps you there you feel ya self thinking will it get better . but as i got to know it nether dus with ppl like that she was planing on cheating on me with a guy she had not even met as it was just some one she had chated to on msn it hurts to be chuck away like i was nothing but im over her and moveing on and one day some one will come along and hurt her . well lets hope that bloke is a psycho any way lol

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Two short statements can cause so much drama and assumptions.

Yes I agree it does take two to tango. He just wasnt happy with me after 6 yrs of living with one another. He lost weight, got a new job and his self esteem picked up 110%. Girls started to flirt with him more and he took advantage of it and ran. I dont blame him.

I love this guy, but I am over him. when I wrote this stupid post it was just a few weeks that he had left.

As for the post, I dont NEED a man to heal my heart. I dont need anyone to make myself whole again.

anyone say SEX? I sure in the hell didnt. chill out hiwayman.
and You men will also stick up for another man, That goes both ways. Trust me, Im not a whore in any shape or form. Just because im fat doesnt mean im less than a woman, EASY, Cheap, or desperate.

Karma will bite him in the ass.

I have forgave him day one. Doesnt mean the pain of him leaving goes away.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Unfortunately most men that date BBWs have a fet--- for them, AND some BBWs use there fatness to attract me......

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`men that is )

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November 13, 2011
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Broken heart u say.....
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If our hearts really were to break there would be a lot of dead people. LOL

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I wouldn't say that Hiwayman was bitter - if anything, his reply (although quite frank) is a fair one.

There is definitely an inequality in the way that men and women are treated post break-up. With women it's 'there, there, all men are b*stards and you are sooo beautiful..' whilst with men it's 'tough sh*t, get over it.'

I would say that the age we live in is partly to blame - we want it all and we want it now (to ad lib a Queen song) and nobody can dare tell us otherwise. You can't have an instant relationship - they take time to grow and nurture.

Maybe if we looked to long-term happiness instead of short-term highs, the world would be a far better place?

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